Leichardti Arowana – Scleropages leichardti (Spotted Australian Arowana) Now In Stock!

Happy Monday everyone!

We currently got in a small batch of wild-caught Leichardti Arowanas (also known as the Saratoga Arowana or Spotted Australian Arowana).  These guys only come in on rare occasions (there was a period of a few years when no one in the hobby saw its import).  It wasn’t until just the last couple years that batches of them have been imported in 1-2 times a year.

Though the Leichardti Arowana isn’t an endangered species in the wild, it’s range in the wild in quite limited.  So when they appear in the tropical fish hobby on those rare occasion, they sell very fast and can be priced quite high.  As it’s classified into the arowana category of Schleropages, they have very similar resemblances to the Asian arowana (which are illegal here in the US), which makes them a popular alternative (along with the Jardini Arowana) amongst arowana fanatics.

Care is similar to that of keeping Jardini Arowanas.  The water conditions should have a pH is around 6.8-7.5 and a temperature of between 75-86° F (24-30° C for those of you outside of the states).  And as in the case for all arowanas, a tightly shut cover should be used to prevent the fish from jumping out.  A good filter would need to be used to keep the water in pristine condition and regular water changes need to be done to prevent problems from occurring.

Arowanas are carnivores in their home habitat but in captivity, they can be “trained” to eat fish pellets.  One popular fish food pellets that many hobbyist use to feed their arowanas is Hai Feng Fast Color.  Do not make the mistake of feeding them too much of one thing, as they will eventually get spoiled and be quite picky in what they consume.  The best thing is to give it a variety of different foods, such as live feeders, bloodworms, mealworms, etc.  A diverse diet will make your arowana more acceptable to changes in it’s diet.

As with most arowana fish in the Scleropages family, they almost always have to be the only arowana in the tank as they get territorial towards other arowanas in the tank and will become highly aggressive.  There are some occasions where hobbyist are able to keep them together successfully but as in most cases, it’s recommended you don’t put more than one together.

Hope all of this helps you learn more about this wonderful fish and in making a decision of being an arowana owner!

As mentioned before, we have only a few in stock and it’s guaranteed that they’ll sell out pretty fast.
Orders can be placed here:  http://www.petzonesd.com/leichardti-arowana-saratoga

Stay tuned for more updates and postings about other tropical fishes we have coming in!


One of our gorgeous Leichardti Arowanas

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