Caring For Green Spotted Puffer Fish (GSP)

Many people are always amazed by the cuteness of the Green Spotted Puffer (TETRAODON NIGROVIRIDIS) and it’s great personality, resembling that of a puppy dog always begging for food.  And its a shame that many fish stores and pet shops sell these fishes to people who have no knowledge of how to care for them and do not let them know fish tank mate compatibility.  So often, these puffers are returned to the store and even worse, some are flushed down a toilet

They look cute and adorable for many beginner fish keepers but more often than not, people are mistaken by their friendly nature when first seeing them inside a fish store tank.  Little do they know, if put into a community fish tank, the chances are high that most of the fish in the aquarium will either end up missing or have scale, fins and tails nipped up or missing almost completely.  Being aggressive in nature, the puffer can live with very few tank mates.  Potential tank mates usually consist of other brackish water fishes such as Monos, Gobies, etc.

The Green Spotted Puffer can live in freshwater and saltwater but does best and thrives in brackish water fish, making it a brackish water fish (many pet shops mistakenly sell it as freshwater).  The salinity level for green spotted puffers should consist of S.G. 1.008-1.018.  And be sure to have good filtration and do weekly water changes, because the puffer is scaleless and doesn’t have gill-flaps, making it prone to sickness if the tank conditions aren’t well cared for.  Be sure the temperature is also around 75-82 degrees Fahrenheit.

In terms of diet for the green spotted puffer fish, either frozen or live food works well.  Frozen or live bloodworms, shirmp, krill, etc do well.  But also remember to feed them snails to keep their beak trimmed (or other crustaceans such as clams, scallops, etc).

As a super intelligent fish, the puffer requires lots of mind stimulation.  Often if bored you will see the fish swim up and down constantly.  Provide plenty of tank decorations, including caves, rocks, plastic plants, etc.  And be sure to move it around often to give your puffer more opportunities to explore the aquarium and find “new scenery.”

If you are in doubt of what to do, do not hesitate to contact us for help and advice.  We are happy to give you advice on any type of fish keeping knowledge!

Best Regards,

Pet Zone Tropical Fish

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one of our Green Spotted Puffers greeting us!

green spotted puffer begging for food with it's "puppy face"

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