How To Take Care Of A Freshwater Moray Eel (Gymnothorax tile)

The Freshwater Moray Eel is a tremendously gorgeous fish!  Known by its scientific name of Gymnothorax tile, this is the most common “freshwater” moray eel species you’ll find in many tropical fish stores and pet shops.

The only problem is that most people do not realize that this “freshwater” moray eel actually thrives best in brackish water.  They are usually wild-caught in freshwater, but their natural habitat consists of brackish water conditions.  This is one of the main reasons why people often complain of the eel dying or slowly deteriorating in health.  Freshwater is only a temporary environment for them in nature.

Only keep this gorgeous moray eel if you can maintain the conditions for it.  The tank should include many hiding spots such as caves or large rocks with adequate hiding areas.  They are nocturnal fishes and love dim or dark areas.  Initially, it is not uncommon to see them hide 90% of the time.  But after keeping the moray eel for some period of time it will be easier as it will begin to recognize its owner and can even be “trained” to eat out of your hand.  

Cover up all holes or any openings and use a very tight lid, as they have been known to jump out of their tanks!  

In terms of diet for the moray eel, they will readily feed on live or frozen bloodworms, shrimp, squid, etc.  They can also be trained to eat dried foods though this can be rather difficult if you suddenly make the change,  

Do note that these moray eels pack a heavy bite and there is the potential of being bit if the fish is scared and goes for your hands or finger.  But do not let this be a factor in not keeping one!  If you can keep the freshwater moray happy and in optimal health, it will last for many years to come and become a true pet fish!

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Best Regards,

Pet Zone Tropical Fish. San Diego, CA

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