Tiger Datnoid – Siamese Tigerfish

Happy Hump Day everyone!

Now that the weather is getting warmer (it’s been in the 90s Fahrenheit here in San Diego), it will be much safer for us to ship fish nationwide as the risk of a weather delay is smaller now.

We’ve gotten in many fish these last couple months and the Tiger Datnoid (some of you know them as the Thin Bar Dat) has been one that many “monster fish keepers” love, which we’ve been selling extremely fast each time a batch arrives to our store.

Also known as the Siamese Tigerfish (Datnioides pulcher), this is one of the rarer Datnoids imported in from Thailand.  Many fish keepers house this fish with many other monster fish, such as arowanas, bichirs, etc.

Though the Tiger Datnoid can tolerate light brackish water conditions, its best if you keep it in freshwater if you’re housing it with many other monster fish that are strictly freshwater.  pH level should be around 6.5 – 7.5 or so.  And be sure the temperature is around 76 – 82 degrees F.  Though they are known to grow up to 24 inches in the wild, a larger sized tank would is required as it can still grow up to 16 inches in captivity.

It feeds on a variety of foods, especially live or frozen foods.  We supplement our Datnoids mainly with live or frozen bloodworms and feeders.  They can be trained to eat pellets as well, though this take a bit more time and patience.

This is definitely one of those rare fish that may be difficult to raise at first, but after a while, this smart fish becomes accustomed to its new home and owner and will stop being skittish and shy!

We hope you find this info to be helpful!  Do not hesitate to contact us as we are always happy to assist you with any of your fish keeping needs!

Happy Fish Keeping,

Roger Ma
Pet Zone San Diego

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