ElephantNose Fish (Gnathonemus petersii)

​The ​Elephantnose (or ​Elephant Nose, however you’d like to spell it) fish is one awesome oddball fish that originates from Africa.  Commonly known as the Peters’ elephantnose fish, this fish has a nose shaped mouth that looks similar to an elephant, hence the name (though some fish hobbyist compare it to the shape of a dolphin).

Though they are known to have bad eye sight and use electroreceptors to find its way around for food, navigating, etc.  Originating from the rivers of West and Central Africa, the elephantnose prefers to be in slow moving water.  Water conditions should be as follows: ph of 6.8 – 7.2 and temperature of around high 70s to low 80s.

Can be kept with larger fish of peaceful nature.  It can get territorial amongst its own kind so a big enough tank is required if more than one elephantnose is kept together.

In the wild, this fish is a carnivore but in captivity, it can be tamed to eat a number of foods ranging from flakes to live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, etc.  Keep the diet varied is best!

This is the perfect oddball fish that many fish keeping hobbyist love, so it is the perfect gift!

Happy Fish Keeping,

​​Pet Zone Tropical Fish

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