Goliath African Tiger Fish For Sale!

We just got in one of the ultimate “monster fish” in the fish hobby!  The Goliath African Tiger Fish (Hydrocynus goliath) is one of the most vicious predatory fish out there and will eat just about anything it can overpower (including fish close to its own size).  There have even been cases of these fish attacking humans that are swimming in their habitat (mistaken them for a very large fish).

Originating from the Congo River Basin and Lake Tanganyika, many anglers have labeled this fish as the “greatest freshwater game fish in the world.”

The temperature of the tank should be around 72-82 degrees Fahrenheit and the pH of between 6.5 – 7.5.  Good filtration is a must!  Put in some driftwood and plants as a way to mimic this fish’s natural habitat, along with providing some hiding space.

If you plan on keeping this fish, be prepared to house them as they are known to grow to very enormous sizes in the wild (more than 4 feet and over 100 lbs).  We’d recommend having a tank of at least 1000 gallons in the future if you are going to commit in keeping this fish.

We hope this helps you in deciding whether or not this fish is a good fit for your fish keeping needs!

Happy Fish Keeping,

Roger Ma
Pet Zone Tropical Fish

New Fish Stock of African Tiger Fish, Indo Pacific Tarpon, Payara Vampire Fish & African Butterflyfish

We’ve got in some super cool fish that many of you “monster fish keepers” will love!

One is the African Tiger Fish (Hydrocynus vittatus).  This is one vicious fish that will make an attempt to eat any fish that can fit into its mouth.  Though they are known to be piscivores, study groups have observed numerous occasions where the African Tigerfish jumps out of the water to catch birds swimming along the surface of the water looking for insects.

The other is the Vampire Tetra, which many know as the Payara fish (Hydrolycus scomberoides).  These monster fish are found abundantly in the Amazon.  With their sharp teeth, they are also known as the Sabertooth Tetra.  They are known to make attempts at eating fish even half their size.

One of the ultimate monster fishes out there is the Tarpon.  The ​Indo-Pacific Tarpon (Megalops Cyprinoides) is one fish that can get pretty massive in size.  The Tarpon is a widely spread fish that can be found in both freshwater and saltwater environments.  Not only can they thrive in both but can be found deep inland in Africa, living out its entire life in freshwater bodies.

We also got in a small batch of the African Butterflyfish, Pantodon buchholzi (commonly known as the Freshwater Butterfly Fish).  Despite being a carnivore that will hunt for smaller fish and insects, this fish gets no bigger than 5 inches.  But with its mouth, it will still try to eat whatever it can fit!

As summer time is now here, many tropical fish importers and wholesalers will be bringing in much more stock so we’ll be bringing in a lot of rare and hard to find fish ourselves.

We’ll be posting more updates on Facebook & Instagram, so stay connected with us for all the goodies!

Happy Fish Keeping,

Roger Ma
Pet Zone Tropical Fish San Diego

ElephantNose Fish (Gnathonemus petersii)

​The ​Elephantnose (or ​Elephant Nose, however you’d like to spell it) fish is one awesome oddball fish that originates from Africa.  Commonly known as the Peters’ elephantnose fish, this fish has a nose shaped mouth that looks similar to an elephant, hence the name (though some fish hobbyist compare it to the shape of a dolphin).

Though they are known to have bad eye sight and use electroreceptors to find its way around for food, navigating, etc.  Originating from the rivers of West and Central Africa, the elephantnose prefers to be in slow moving water.  Water conditions should be as follows: ph of 6.8 – 7.2 and temperature of around high 70s to low 80s.

Can be kept with larger fish of peaceful nature.  It can get territorial amongst its own kind so a big enough tank is required if more than one elephantnose is kept together.

In the wild, this fish is a carnivore but in captivity, it can be tamed to eat a number of foods ranging from flakes to live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, etc.  Keep the diet varied is best!

This is the perfect oddball fish that many fish keeping hobbyist love, so it is the perfect gift!

Happy Fish Keeping,

​​Pet Zone Tropical Fish