African Arowana (Heterotis niloticus)

The weekend is finally here!  And summer just around the corner.  We are sure you have got many plans for the warmer weather coming (especially with fish keeping).

We finally got in a huge batch of African Arowanas.  These are rare to see in the fish hobby and are always sought after by many arowana and monster fish keeping hobbyist alike.  Originating from Africa, you can find them in the waters of Lake Tanganyika, Lake Malawi and other rivers in that region.

Though it has the name “arowana,” it is actually more closely related to the Arapaima as they are both in the Heterotidinae.  In the wild, they are known to grow up to around 3.25 feet and over 20 pounds (definitely a monster fish).  A good size tank is required for these African Arowanas.  Juveniles need a good 50 gallons or so and when they reach adulthood, a good 250 gallon and up is needed.

They are known to scavenge around all day looking for food.  They are quite a hardy fish, taking in live or frozen foods and can be tamed to take arowana pellets if trained early on.  Beware of keeping them with smaller sized fish and as a rule of thumb, keep it with fish that you’d normally keep other arowanas with.

Water conditions would need to be pristine to keep this fish in good health.  Weekly water changes are required (just partial like the usual tank cleanings you do).  Like other arowanas, they are sensitive to bad water, so provide good filtration.  pH will need to be around 6.8-7.5 and the temperature would need to be in the high 70s to mid 80s F (mid 20s to high 20s C).

As a monster fish keeper, we are sure you’ll find much joy in this rare fish!  Do not hesitate to contact us with any pointers you might need.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend folks.

Happy Fish Keeping,

Roger Ma
Pet Zone Tropical Fish