Flowerhorn Stock From Thailand Just Arrived!

Hey Fellow Fish Keepers!

We hope all of you had an awesome weekend!  Now that it’s Monday, we are sure some of you have the Monday Blues (don’t worry, we got a 3 day weekend coming up for those of you stateside).

A new stock of Flowerhorns from Thailand have arrived.  These are some very gorgeous breeds that we specifically picked out from some of Thailand’s top fish farms.  With such awesome traits, you’ll fall in love with their pearls and kok!

Here is a little sneak peek into the new stock we’ll be posting up on our site!  Be on the lookout these next couple days for new Flowerhorn listings on our social media and on the site!


New Gen SRD Flowerhorns (Red Pearl SRD) Are Now In Stock!

We got in a new batch of Red Pearl Red Dragon Flowerhorns, imported via air directly from Thailand!  These are also known as New Gen Super Red Dragons and are one of the newer strains of Red Dragon Flowerhorns, hence the name “New Generation.”

With a lot of pearls and a distinctive look that most of us are used to seeing in the RD Flowerhorn, they are gorgeous more than ever.  The pics below is a little teaser of what we currently have in stock.

New Gen SRD Flowerhorns (Red Pearl Super Red Dragon Flowerhorn)

The listings are already up and running on our site so this is your chance to score on one of these beauties!  We have a batch of some smaller ones that are currently being grown out, so be on the lookout for Flowerhorn listings often!

And be sure to follow us at Instagram and FaceBook!

Have a great weekend fellow fish lovers!

Pet Zone Tropical Fish